Friday, April 15, 2016

March Favourites

Hello there! I haven't been blogging for about two weeks, apology for my absence, I've been travelling home (where my family stays) and hometown (where my root is) for cheng beng! I did something unbelievable too, I DROVE ALL BY MYSELF FOR 6+ HOURS (2 WAYS TRIP)!!! I wouldn't let my parents to drive so I did it by myself, while my brother was helping out at the store. 

Well I haven't given up on favourites but I'm going to do some adjustments to it. I've become a lot more committed to blogging since I started to blog about favourites but now, instead of doing it biweekly, I'm going to do it on a monthly basis. Well the reason being so is I would like to spend more time on writing more interesting posts such as travel, beauty etc...

Now without further ado...let's see what my March favourites were!

Favourite Skincare:

This KOSÉ SEKKISEI’s Special Edition Trial Kit is my new love! I'm now finished with this trial kit I felt so regretful that I didn't get a spare set when they were doing promotion! Love how it feels on my skin! For full detailed review please check out my previous post at here .

Next favourite is this Biore UV Spray. It's my favourite for sunblock retouch purpose as it's much easier to reapply sunblock after every few hours especially when I'm teaching for long hours. Very high coverage in SPF 50+ and PA++++, I'm using it as my hair sunblock too! 

And ALL TIME FAVOURITE cleansing wipes from Bifesta! I got it in the Hello Kitty edition, so adorable! I've blogged this before so for full and detailed review please check out my previous post here .

Favourite Body Product:

I'm not a body lotion type of person, the weather in Malaysia is scorching hot and I often feel that the body lotion melt right after I apply it. It becomes sticky on my skin. Then I decided to try this Nivea's In-Shower Body Lotion when I shopped at Watson, this is a game changing for me! By applying this after shower gel and rinsing it off, my skin is not burdened by the lotion anymore. No more sticky tacky feeling and skin is softer and smoother!

Favourite Tea:

I've been drink this Jasmine and Green tea from Totally Organic for a couple of months already, bought it randomly. I didn't know what's the logic behind but this tea soothes my menstrual pain.

Favourite Book:

I know I'm late to the bookclub but I discovered this Secret a while ago, getting the ''HERO'' version for my first secret book and I'm going to get another one. I love reading a few pages before bed time.

Favourite Quote:

I'm a strong believer of daily activities such as actions, practices, conservations, training would determine who you are in the future.

Favourite Movie:

This movie is based on true story. It narrates a rescue mission of a Coast Guard who made a daring decision to rescue sailors trapped on a massive storm. Others called it a suicide mission and never expected he'll back with dozens of survivors. 

"Impossible mission in other's eyes could be possible in yours."

Favourite Inspirational Video:

I'm into TED Talks nowadays, and this is my favourite one from last month - GOING ALL IN ON YOUR PASSION.

Favourite Music:

That's all for my March favourites!  ♥♥

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