Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tips for Mask Pampering Session

When was the last time you pamper your skin with applying mask? 
Yes everyone knows that mask is the 'doctor' when our skin is not in a good condition. Blemish skin, dehyrated, pigmentation, etc... There are all sorts of mask selling in the market nowadays. But by just applying mask on your face, sometimes it wouldn't help! WHY?

For me, applying mask is just an intense process to improve our skin condition. We still have to take care of it during/ after mask session.

Tips when you apply mask:-

1. Avoid facial expression (you know this will cause wrinkles.....).

2. Always apply mask on a cleanse face.

3. DO NOT exceed the time limit (normally 15-20 mins, exceeding the time will burden your skin).

4. Remove the facial mask from BOTTOM to top.

5. After removing the mask, remember to apply MOISTURIZER to avoid vaporize. 

6. When you remove the mask, you could apply the leftover on your neck or body.

7. For better result, apply serum before mask (only for facial sheet mask, eg. whitening serum when you apply whitening mask).

8. When the weather is hot, apply mask on day time could help your skin more protected from the sunlight.

Love yourself, love your skin <3
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